An Affiliate Program that PAYS and PAYS and PAYS....
For every sale that you refer--- get monthly commission checks!
JOIN the Affiliate Program and get paid commissions every time the customer you refer uses our 800 service. It’s easy. You will you help your visitors let their customers get free and easy telephone and fax access to their products and services. You will help their customers remember where to find them. You will help them reinforce their brand name. You will earn 5% of every month’s telephone bill.
We'd love to have you as a member of the team. As an affiliate member you can earn an up-front $20 for each TeleDomain sale of new telephone services you refer AS WELL AS 5% of every month’s bill for as long as the customer uses the 800 service. Join the Affiliate Network and be paid a commission for every customer click-through from your site to that results in a successful sale of phone services.
TeleDomains provide companies and individuals with a customized toll free number that matches their business’ domain name, web site address or company product or service mark., through its relationships with companies providing telecommunications services, offers assistance in creating the matching toll free telephone numbers and setting up low cost toll-free telephone service. In addition, your customer can have TeleDomains and its Telecommunication partners handle all of your customers long distance telephone service.
Be part of the WhataDomain/TeleDomain Affiliate program that CNN has called "One of the most impressive Internet affiliate programs ever designed". Work with an industry leader! It's fast, it's easy and it's profitable.
SIGN UP NOW! It's easy and it's FREE!